Lost Ark: How to Unlock, Access, and Complete Una's Tasks?

Una's Tasks are daily & weekly quests that players can complete for special rewards. In this guide, we'll dive into what Una's Tasks are, how to unlock, access, and complete them.

Una's Tasks

What Are Una's Tasks?

Una's Tasks are constantly refreshing assignments that offer a ton of Lost Ark gold for very little time investment. Once players reach the level cap, it's a great way to continue unlocking new items and improving equipment.

How to Unlock Una's Tasks?

You can unlock Una's Tasks in Lost Ark by reaching level 50.

How to Access Una's Tasks?

Here is how to access Una's Task Menu in Lost Ark:

1). On the bottom-right side of the screen, you will see "Adventure." Click on it.
2). Here, choose Una's Tasks.
3). Alternatively, you can also press Alt + J to access Una's Task directly.

How to Decide which Tasks to Complete?

There are four types of tasks that you can complete in the end game:

1). Daily: Tasks that reset daily.
2). Weekly: Tasks that reset weekly.
3). Reputation: Tasks that determine and help improve your reputation with the NPCs.
4). Guild Request: These are the tasks you can undertake to help level up your guild.

How to Complete Una's Tasks?

To complete Una's Task, follow these steps:

1). Head to Una's Task Menu. The easiest way to find this menu is by pressing "Alt + J" on your keyboard.
2). This brings up a menu that lists all of Una's Tasks you can do for the day. You can also see the recommended Item Level and all the rewards you'll earn for completing a task.
3). Select the task you want to complete, either daily or Weekly.
4). Complete the task objectives.
5). Then return to the menu to collect the reward.

How to Complete Una's Daily Tasks?

Una's Daily and Weekly Tasks

    • Point Reward: 2 per daily task.
    • Limit: 3 per day.

Daily tasks are small-scale tasks that can be accomplished quickly. You have to travel to a specific location to complete these daily tasks. Before accepting a task, you can always click the "location" button beside the "accept" button to discover where the task's location is.

Here are a few example tasks and rewards you can expect from Una's dailies:

1). Collect Starflower's Light     

    • 240 Roster XP
    • 10 Reputation
    • 400 Honor Shards

2). Eliminate Mayhem Legion forces

    • 240 Roster XP
    • 10 Reputation
    • 18,700 Silver

3). Defeat Tarmakum     

    • 240 Roster XP
    • 10 Reputation
    • T3 Stone of Soaring

Alternatively, if you have "Una's Task Instant Complete Ticket," you can choose to finish the quest instantly instead.

How to Complete Una's Weekly Tasks?

    • Point Reward: 12 per weekly task.
    • Limit: 3 per week.

Weekly Tasks center around Lost Ark's different endgame tasks, which you need to perform a set number of times to claim the reward. Only one weekly task can be activated at any given time, and weeklies do not support Lost Ark's catch-up mechanics.

Here is every activity tied to Una's weekly tasks, along with each task objective:

1). Chaos Dungeons: Clear 6 Chaos Dungeons at T1 or above.
2). Guardian Raids: Harvest 6 souls from Guardians.
3). Cube: Get a Silver Chest or better in any Cube challenge.
4). Boss Rush: Full clear a Boss Rush. Any tier counts.
5). Proving Grounds (PvP): Participate in a Battlefield 5 times.
6). Trade Skills: Collect 1,000 Mysterious Essence through Trade Skill activities.
7). Sailing: Complete 6 Sailing Co-op Quests.

That sums up how to complete Una's Tasks and everything else you should know. And you can also check out here for more lost ark guides, news, updates, and tips.


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