How to Unlock and Clear Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark?

If players wish to challenge themselves in Lost Ark, enter the Chaos Dungeons, and you can obtain resources like Lost Ark Gold, XP, Materials, etc. However, how to earn these rewards? This guide will explain Unlock and Clear Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark.

How to unlock Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark?

Unlock Chaos Dungeons

Here's how to unlock Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark:

1. Accessing the Chaos Dungeons requires a player to be at level 50 and head to Vern Castle afterward.

2. Vern Castle can be found on the North Vern continent of Arkesia. Blue markers indicate several story quests on the island that need to be done before continuing.

3. This will have players speaking to several NPCs before finally coming across a Professor Ronatas. Interact with him to kickstart a conversation that ends with Chaos Dungeon access.

4. The final quest you'll undertake is called Ealyn's Gift, and upon completing this quest, you'll unlock several endgame activities, including Chaos Dungeons and the all-important Gear Honing process.

5. Once unlocked, you can find a Chaos Dungeon by finding the grey Chaos Dungeon symbol on your map.

6. Head to the icon, then enter the Chaos Dungeon menu.

7. You'll be able to choose a dungeon level out of a huge list, which corresponds to your Item Level. Always select the Chaos Dungeon closest to your current Item Level, which you can find by checking your equipment.

8. Hit "Enter," and then you'll be sent into the Chaos Dungeon. You can either enter solo or with a party. We recommend running with a party if possible. While these Dungeons can be cleared solo, it can be challenging if your item level isn't high enough.

How to clear Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark?

Clear Chaos Dungeons

Clearing a Chaos Dungeon is simple enough. Use every ability at your disposal to take down the hordes of enemies housed in each zone. Your dungeon run will be divided into three different zones, each bringing a different kind of challenge.

1. Chaos Dungeons follow this pattern for zones:

Zone #1: Kill as many fodder enemies as possible. Make sure you stop killing monsters at 16% and wait for the portal to open. Once it does, make sure you jump straight into it without destroying the remaining mobs.

Zone #2: In this room, you will get the opportunity to kill seven minibosses, and they should be your only priority. Killing the last one (silver on the minimap), then a world boss to open the portal. In a best-case scenario, you get to the other stage somewhere around 51%-53%.

Zone #3: This is probably the most critical part of the run. Break rift core crystals to spawn a miniboss. Once you reach 98-99% of your kills, make sure you stop killing and wait for the remaining mobs to spawn. Once they are all on the count, gather them around without killing anyone. Once collected, use your awakening skill and try to kill them altogether. In this way, you will get about 1-3% extra rewards and up to 101%+ in percentage.

2. Tips for Clearing Chaos Dungeons:

1). Zone #1: The enemies you'll face will be pretty weak. The best way is to Group all enemies together until they stop spawning. Use AoE attacks to clear them out, granting massive progress. This will save you time and effort.

2). Zones #2 and 3: Slain minibosses and rift cores will drop Fighting Spirit Ether, increase your attack speed movement speed, and reduce your cooldowns. Grab these whenever possible to speed up your runs.

3). Zone #3: You'll find blue orbs floating around the area. Walk past them to gain a temporary movement speed buff.

4). Chaos Dungeon difficulty scales with additional players. If possible, clear these solo.

All Lost Ark Chaos Dungeon Rewards

1. Tier 1 Rewards

    • Perception Shards
    • Disorder Crystals
    • Harmony Shards/ Leapstones
    • Stone Fragments
    • Battle Engravings (Uncommon/Rare)
    • XP Cards
    • Cube Tickets

2. Tier 2 Rewards

    • Guardian Shards
    • Contempt Crystals
    • Stones
    • Life Shards/Leapstones
    • Battle Engravings (Rare/Epic)
    • Ability Stones
    • XP Cards
    • Elite Cube Tickets
    • Silent Hall Tickets
    • Level 1 Gems

3. Tier 3 Rewards

    • Shard of Purification
    • Fragment of Longing
    • Stone Crystals
    • Honor Shards/Leapstones
    • Battle Engravings (Epic/Legendary)
    • Ability Stones
    • XP Cards
    • Dimensional Cube Tickets
    • Hall of the Sun Tickets
    • Level 1 Gems

That's all about unlocking and clearing the Chaos Dungeons in Lost Ark. Have trouble beating your favorite game? Click here for more help with all aspects of the Lost Ark.

Read More: Lost Ark: How To Get, Equip and Upgrade Cards?


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