How Do I Get to Level 50 on Lost Ark?

Like any MMO, leveling is a vital part of Lost Ark, and players need to complete missions and take out enemies to gain XP. This basic guide covers the best level from 1-50 in Lost Ark.

Level 50

Level 10-35

You start at level 10 in the current NA/EU version of the game, thanks to a new patch regarding class prologues. The game opens with some long(ish) cutscenes, and then you're given the option of whether you want to skip the prologue. Skip it for pace.

The whole next chunk of leveling is very straightforward - Follow The Story Quest. These are marked as Orange on your map. These quests follow the main story of Lost Ark, and if you're looking to rush to max level, you can blindly follow the orange markers around until around level 35.

There are also four other quest icons to be aware of. Three of these are exclamation marks: one is yellow, one is purple, and one is yellow with a chain around it. The yellow ones are basic side quests, they generally don't reward you with anything unique and give less experience than story quests, so they can be skipped unless you're a completionist.

Meanwhile, the purple and chain quests are pretty important. They give powerful rewards, such as extra skill points or a permanent stat boost. Of course, there are other rewards, such as Lost Ark Gold. You can go back to do these later, so it's up to you if you want to get the bonuses as you level or go back afterward.

Other tips:

    • Sell some potions right at the start of the game. You won't need them, and they can be used to Triport (fast travel) around for quicker questing.
    • Complete all mandatory Dungeons solo and in Normal mode. You won't need any gear you get, as gear is constantly replaced between 1-50 anyway.
    • Complete red zone quests (these appear when you pass through certain areas) if they overlap with your questing.
    • Dash and mounts. Use this to your advantage. Some characters have extra mobility skills that can be worth focusing on, although classes with big AoE clears are also suitable for completing content quickly.

Level 35-50

Around level 35, you'll reach a point in your story where you can begin to sail the vast ocean. This will change your orange quest markers to blue globe markers, which will be your point to follow. Continue on the path to follow these blue quests, as they will offer more and more EXP as you level higher. They are proportionate to your level and will give much more EXP than other side quests. If you continue to follow these, you will hit level 50 in Lost Ark as fast as possible.

When you finish the blue world quests, you should be close to level 49 with 55% through the level. If you are not at least 55% through level 49, go around and complete any yellow side quests you can find in the higher-level areas. You will need to get to this 49.55 point before the next step.

Once you have hit level 49 with 55% through the level, head to Northern Vern and continue your blue world quests. By the time you complete your blue quests within Northern Vern, you will hit level 50.

What to do at Level 50 in Lost Ark?

As soon as you hit level 50, head to Trixion and find Beatrice. Beatrice will get you set up with your level 50 skill and unlock your Awakening ability, otherwise known as the Ultimate ability, which differs depending on which class you play.

If you're new to the game, make sure to check out here for more of our other guides, updates, and tips.


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