Beginner Guide For Lost Ark

Today, I will check out a quick beginners guide for those who haven't yet jumped in Lost Ark to help them know how the gameplay works, what the different classes are, and give some general tips for getting started in the game.

Beginner Guide For Lost Ark

Character Creation And Customization

At the beginning of the game, you can create a character. This will be your first character and the first one you'll level to 50 with. There are several different classes and specialized classes to choose from. Here's a rundown:

1). Warrior - Berserker, Paladin, Gunlancer

2). Martial Artist - Striker, Wardancer, Scrapper, Soulfist

3). Gunner - Gunslinger, Artillerist, Deadeye, Sharpshooter

4). Mage - Bard, Summoner

5). Assassin - Shadowhunter, Deathblade

What Are The Different Classes?

Here is a very brief look at the different classes in Lost Ark:

1). Warrior - Your classic, tankier melee DPS class. Berserker deals damage, Paladin acts as heavy, aggressive support, and the Gunlancer is one of the tankiest classes in the game.

2). Martial Artists - These melee fighters have high mobility and lots of damage. There are also male/female counterparts available for these classes, divided into the four advanced classes. They share similar traits but are different ever so slightly.

3). Gunner - Ranged characters that deal a lot of damage - Artillerist with rockets, Sharpshooter with arrows, etc.

4). Mage - The damage-dealing Summoner and the primary support in the game, the Bard.

5). Assassin - A class split in two, with Deathblade and Shadowhunter heading up this fast-paced, heavy-damage class.


1). If you want to hit level 50 as quickly as possible, streamline the main quest while ignoring sidequests, rapport quests, and secret dungeons.

2). It should take you around 15-20 hours to hit max level by completing just the main quest, depending on how fast you go.

3). You can solo the majority of the leveling content with any class in the game.

4). You can pick a class with high mobility to move to zones faster, such as a Wardancer or any other Fighter class.

5). You will have access to a mount, but this can't be used in all zones, like Dungeons.

6). Be aware of your Adventurer's Tome. You can unlock account-wide rewards here like lost ark gold.


1). Complete dungeons on normal mode to speed up your leveling.

2). You can complete dungeons alone or with friends.

3). You can't use a mount inside the Dungeon, but you can run past groups of enemies. Sometimes you'll hit a brick wall that doesn't get removed until you beat the enemies; bear this in mind if you want to speed through the content.

4). Dungeons have a series of mob enemies, and you'll face off against a giant enemy at the end. Kill them, and you'll get the Dungeon Loot. After killing the boss, make sure you equip your new loot to level up your character.

5). Secret Dungeons do exist. These can be found by getting scrolls off NPCs in the game.


1). All gear is equalized. PvP is quite balanced this way.

2). Different classes perform differently in PvP than in PvE.

3). The endgame is split between PvP and PvE content. You can find things to do for both types of gameplay.

General Tips

Here are some simple, quickfire tips to help you understand more about the Lost Ark:

1). The max character level in Lost Ark is level 50. You can level up several alt characters while working toward your account level. These are two separate levels.

2). You start at level 10 with some skills already unlocked.

3). Upgrade gear with a blue "arrow" on it. Always redeem your Adventure items (yellow arrow), and focus on the main quest.

4). There is a fast travel system in Lost Ark called "Tripods," these cost a small amount of silver that can be used to travel between set locations on the same continent.

5). You can get yourself a FREE pet in the game, and it's not just cosmetic. They help you pick up items when they are on the floor, with a nice time-saving auto pick-up feature. Get a free pet by looking out for the "Learning about Pets" quest early on.

6). You can reset skills at any time for absolutely no cost, which makes it easier to experiment with different builds.

7). As you play, you'll gather Skill Points. Use these Skill Points to level up your stats and attributes in the game. Also, you can respec for free at any moment.

That's it for the beginner's guide. Let me know what you think of Lost Ark in the comments, and if you have any beginners tips, share them in the comments. Also, click here to access more game guides, updates, and tips.


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