How to Get the Anguished & Opportunity Isle Island Token in Lost Ark?

Like Lost Ark gold, Island Tokens can also be used to buy some of the most valuable rewards, but those tokens are not readily accessible in Lost Ark, and adventurers must be fulfilled a set of quests to earn them. Here is how to get the Anguished & Opportunity Isle Island Token in Lost Ark.

How to get the Anguished Isle Island Token in Lost Ark?

Anguished Isle Island Token

To obtain the Anguish Isle Island Token in Lost Ark, you need to follow these steps:

1). You have to complete the following quests. There is a Main Quest Chain you can find on the island:

    • To The Anguished Isle
    • Assisting the Isle's Militia
    • Unusual Mayhem
    • The Kidnapped People
    • The Anguished Isle's Secret

2). After completing those quests, you'll receive a new repeatable quest in Anguished Isle that you can do every day.

3). This quest is called May They Find Peace and tasks the player to defeat several enemies across the island.

4). In return, it will drop Crimson Skein, an exclusive currency tied to the quest. The quest also will drop a Garden of Despair Key, which gives you entry to a dungeon found in the back of the map.

5). Upon entering the dungeon, players will need to complete the entire thing and defeat the final boss of the area.

6). Upon defeating the final boss, you'll receive Crimson Skein and the chance to earn the Anguished Isle Island Token.

How to get the Opportunity Isle Island token in Lost Ark?

Opportunity Isle Island token

Here are the steps to follow to get the Opportunity Isle's island token:

1). A few minutes before the Isle is supposed to appear according to the game's compass, buy a ticket to the Arthetine continent and sail to the Isle following the compass' coordinates.

2). Once you arrive, talk to the first NPC you see to get the To The World of Fishing quest.

3). Follow the quest and earn your membership card, then go to a boat nearby to go to the actual island itself.

4). Head to a fishing point, indicated by the hook symbol on the mini-map, and begin the Co-Op quest by speaking to the NPC close to it, where players are tasked with collecting Golden Crucian Carp at various points around the island.

5). When all players will have caught a total of 250 Golden Crucial Carp fish on the island, the quest will finish, and you'll earn different rewards depending on your ranking.

6). All players will gain some silver and an Angler's Pouch for taking part, while first will gain three, and second, third, and fourth will earn two of them.

7). These pouches have a chance of dropping the Opportunity Isle Island Token, so earning more of them will give you a better opportunity. The RNG of the drop means that you'll likely have to do the island a few times, but it will eventually drop.

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