What's the Gameplay Like in Lost Ark?

Lost Ark is a free-to-play MMO Action RPG experience set in the world of Arkesia. We present the Lost Ark gameplay, including classes, the "Tripod" system, Ship, Strongholds, PvP, dungeons, and raids.

Lost Ark Gameplay

Classes and Abilities

In Lost Ark, you'll choose one of five classes:

        • Mage - cal conjurers tap into the ancient magic of Arkesia to cast deadly spells on evil forces, heal the wounded, or support allies.
• Martial Artist - These quick-footed fighters like to rush the enemy with combined attacks at lethal speeds that can only be described as breakneck.
• Warrior - Warriors are the powerhouses of Arkesia. They may not be the most elegant, so they stand their ground and make up for mobility with an explosive impact.
• Gunner - Whether wielding high-tech weapons or bows and arrows that never jam, keep an eagle eye on these sharpshooters, or they may even hit you with their worst shot.
• Assassin - These mysterious melee-makers fight demonic with demonic, channeling the dark powers in the name of the light in quick, colorful attacks.

From those five, you'll pick a subclass/specialty. These affect your weaponry and abilities as you progress through the game. Sex is also sometimes locked to a particular class. While there are male and female gunslinger-type classes, the warrior is a male-only class.

Once you select your class, you'll have some character customization options to sift through as you create the perfect avatar. As far as we can tell, Lost Ark does not let you alter your appearance once you've started the game, so make sure you're happy with your customizations before locking them in.

"Tripod" System

Something unique in Lost Ark is what they call its "Tripod" system for abilities. This allows you to customize your abilities, enabling you to use skill points to acquire new skills and use them to further any knowledge you want. This means that there will be many possible ability combinations for players, making each character feel different from another one.

Lost Ark's Ship Helps You Travel the World

Arkesia isn't a single, massive landmass. You're going to have to travel across the sea to get to places. Fortunately, the Lost Ark ship will help you do that. This isn't some dinky rowboat -- your ship is a decently-sized vessel with a crew. Each new crew member you add will increase or decrease your ship's resistances and Base Sailing Speed. Your ship will have Skills of its own, too. Naturally, you can also customize the cosmetic look of your ship.

Build Strongholds and Settlements

Players will also have the ability to build their Strongholds and settlements, which will be your island fortress. Mining, foraging, and other actions can help gather materials for making these areas. Players can invite up to 50 friends at once to hang out or take on challenges as a group.

As with most things in this game, the Stronghold can also add cosmetic decorations. The Lost Ark gameplay trailer showed cooking, potions, and "Battle Items" such as bombs and grenades.

Dungeons, Raids, and PvP

Then we talk about dungeons, raids, and PvP. The dungeons are described as "cinematic" and are where you can fight the most significant threats in Arkesia. Once you have cleared out dungeons, you will be able to access Chaos Dungeons, which will feature endless waves of enemies that you must fight through, and raids which will likely offer the game's most significant rewards. Unlike many MMOs, dungeons in Lost Ark can be completed either solo or with a party, with the dungeon's difficulty scaling with how many members you have. Something also worth noting is that the game does not feature the leading roles most MMOs do: tank, healer, and DPS, meaning that there will be no class or class type required to complete dungeons.

If you get tired of smashing AI mobs, there's always the PVP System. Lost Ark's PVP features a level playing field. Player levels do not matter, as everyone is maxed out regardless of playtime. You'll all have access to the same skills, upgrades, and stats. The 3v3 PVP Arena will be the primary fight available in Lost Ark.

Social Gameplay

The final item highlighted is the social play aspect. While you can play solo, you can also play together with friends or join a guild.

The above is the gameplay introduction of Lost Ark. Of course, and if you want to get a better experience of the game, you need to buy Lost Ark Gold. LostarkGold.com is a suitable choice. You can also get more lost Ark news, guides, rumors, and more through this site.


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