How to Get and Use Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV?

Thavnairian onions are the essential vegetable in Final Fantasy XIV. Finding and getting the Thavanairian onions can be a difficult task, but if you're confused or wish to know about where you can get Thavnairian Onions and how to use them in FFXIV, read this guide.

Thavnairian Onions

How to Get Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV?

There are three ways to obtain Thavnairian Onions, listed below:

Free Companies

If you're part of a free company in Final Fantasy XIV, you might find other members of your FC will grow Thavnairian Onions for everyone to use.


Two quests award Thavnairian onions:

1. Landing a Stable Job

To begin the 'Landing a Stable Job' quest, you'll need:

1). Complete the Level 50 Main Scenario Quest 'The Better Half'.
2). Once it is done,  it unlocks an Ishgardian sidequest called Landing A Stable Job.
3). Pick it up in The Jeweled Crozier at coordinate (X: 6, Y:9), from Mathye.

2. A Hunter's True Nature

To begin 'A Hunter's True Nature' quest, you'll need:

1). Completed three sidequests in the Dravanian Forelands: 'Pest Control,' 'A Step in the Right Direction,' and 'Garbage Duty.'
2). Once you've done those three, visit Hervoix in Tailfeather (X: 32, Y:23) to pick this quest up and get your onion.


Finally, the last option is to grow Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV yourself. To start gardening, you will need either a Garden furniture item for your housing plot or a flowerpot furniture item that can be used inside a house or apartment. Also, once you have your garden set up, you will need to get Thavnairian Onion Seeds. You can buy from your server's MarketBoard using FFXIV Gil or crossbreed them with other plants to grab the seeds. Thavnairian onion seeds take 10 days to grow. If you cross-breed to get the seeds, it will take you another 5 to 6 days to wait for your crosses to sprout.

The easiest method to grow Thavnairian Onion:

1). You will have to cross-breed Krakka Root with Mirror Apple to get Curiel Root.
2). Then, you will need to cross-breed Almonds and Mandrakes to get Nymeia Lillies.
3). Once you have Lillies and Curiel Roots, crossbreed them to have a chance of getting Thavnairian Onions seeds.
4). Now, all you have to do is plant your seeds in the garden or flowerpot and take care of them until they grow.

How to Use Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV?

Thavnairian Onions are used to break the level cap of your Chocobo Companion. Once your choco-buddy hits level 10, they stop gaining experience points unless you feed it a Thavnairian Onions. Each onion will help it achieve a level, and you will need to feed it 10 Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV for it to get to its max cap level of 20.

This is all there is to know about getting, growing, and using Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV. Is there anything else you want to achieve? Pet? Mount? Or food? Please visit here.


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