How to Get and Use Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV?
Thavnairian onions are the essential vegetable in Final Fantasy XIV. Finding and getting the Thavanairian onions can be a difficult task, but if you're confused or wish to know about where you can get Thavnairian Onions and how to use them in FFXIV , read this guide. How to Get Thavnairian Onions in Final Fantasy XIV? There are three ways to obtain Thavnairian Onions, listed below: Free Companies If you're part of a free company in Final Fantasy XIV, you might find other members of your FC will grow Thavnairian Onions for everyone to use. Quests Two quests award Thavnairian onions: 1. Landing a Stable Job To begin the 'Landing a Stable Job' quest, you'll need: 1). Complete the Level 50 Main Scenario Quest 'The Better Half'. 2). Once it is done, it unlocks an Ishgardian sidequest called Landing A Stable Job. 3). Pick it up in The Jeweled Crozier at coordinate (X: 6, Y:9), from Mathye. 2. A Hunter's True Nature To begin 'A Hunter's True Nature...