Final Fantasy XIV: How to get the Fat Black Chocobo Mount?

The Fat Black Chocobo Mount is back in Final Fantasy XIV, but how to unlock this awesome mount? There's a setlist that you can support, and you can unlock the Fat Black Chocobo Mount.

Fat Black Chocobo Mount

List of Eligible English-Speaking Streamers

To unlock the Fat Black Chocobo mount in FFXIV, you need to gift four subs to an eligible streamer on the list, even if it's Tier One only. English, French, German, Spanish, and Finnish-speaking streamers were selected to participate in this event.

Here is the list of eligible English-speaking streamers:

    • Aiyanya
    • Anniefuchsia
    • Ashe10
    • BOWIEtheHERO
    • Chottis
    • Drakanous
    • Eryn
    • EthysAsher
    • GalaxyAUS
    • Geekgg
    • Haughtychicken
    • Hupo
    • Inochifantasy
    • itmeJP
    • Joesephyr
    • Kidkerrigan
    • Meoni
    • Miabyte
    • MissRogueFlame
    • Mizzteq
    • Mrhappy
    • QueenE
    • Speakersofhydaelyn
    • Spofie
    • SugarAng3l
    • Thorlar
    • Tuatime
    • ZeplaHQ

How to get the Fat Black Chocobo Mount on Final Fantasy XIV?

You have to gift four subs to that streamer, but they can't be anonymous gift subs. It doesn't matter what Tier sub you grant, but it has to be to that streamer. They also have to be streaming FFXIV for the gift sub to count. To do this:

1). Head to the channel of your choice and select the Gift a Sub-option in the Home tab.

2). You can enter "4" in the Custom Quantity tab and choose to offer them either to random viewers or specific ones. Gifting one will also give you 100 Heavenscrackers.

Offering four subs will cost you around $19.96. The subs don't have to be gifted on only one channel, though. You can give subs on four different channels and whenever you want during the event starting from June 24, 1 pm CT to Aug. 24, 1 pm CT to receive the reward.

3). After you've gifted the four subs, you'll be given the Chocobo Whistle in your notifications tab, head to FF XIV's Mog Station, and select the menu Your Account.

4). Select the service account you want to get the reward from if you own several of them.

5). Then, select Enter Item Code and input the received code.

6). Follow the next steps as indicated.

7). Once it's done, the item will appear in your Warrior of Light inventory.

There is one condition, though: You can't get the mount if you own a free trial account. You must have purchased the game, even without the expansions, to earn it.

There's no need to connect your Twitch and Square Enix accounts since you'll receive the whistle item to summon the mount via a code to redeem in the FF XIV shop. But beware, since anonymous gift subs don't count for the mount.

We've seen the Fat Black Chocobo mount come up a few times in the past, always tied to a promotion. It was available in China from KFC and an Amazon collaboration back in 2019. However, this is the first time it's tied to actively helping streamers who play FFXIV, so that's a really nice way to give back to the community.

Square Enix also points out that there may be other ways to obtain these items in the future.

Next, we will publish more guides to get other mounts and please click here to visit them. Plus, you can find cheap FFXIV Gil from here, full stock, safe transactions, most orders will be shipped to you face-to-face within 1-10 minutes.


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