Final Fantasy XIV: How to Farm Bozjan Clusters?

Bozjan Clusters are a currency you earn in Final Fantasy XIV's Bozjan Southern Front. But how to farm Bozjan Clusters? Here, we will show how to find and use Bozjan Clusters in Final Fantasy XIV.

Bozjan Clusters

Leveling Up Resistance Rank

The basic way everyone can earn the Bozjan Cluster is by leveling up their Resistance Rank. The higher your Resistance Rank, the more areas open up in the Bozjan Southern Front, giving you more locations to explore. When you reach rank five, all players receive penalties when incapacitated at any time during the instance. This is the more basic and slow method to farm Bozjan Clusters.

Seek out 4th Legion Minions

The much faster way is to seek out 4th Legion minions. These minions typically have a fairly low chance of dropping them, around 15 to 20%. There are stronger versions out there, namely any 4th Legion enemy that is rank three or higher. You can see the enemy's rank on the right side of their nameplate, and some of the best enemies to farm for Bozjan Clusters are the 4th Legion Death Claw and 4th Legion Roaders. These creatures have a much higher chance to have these items on their loot tables, increasing your odds of regularly finding Bozjan Clusters. You can get a majority of them in the Southern Entrancement, closer to the east side.

You won't be able to farm this area by yourself. You primarily want to go in with a four to the six-party group to handle these minions in regular rotations.

Defeat Enemies Within the Southern Front

You can find Bozjan Clusters only in the Bozjan Southern Front. To obtain them, you will have to defeat enemies within the zone. You can find these Bozjan Clusters as random drops at the end of combat.

You could, of course, decide to team up and murder as many enemies as you can to try and accumulate them quicker.

Bozjan Clusters can be traded to the Resistance Quartermaster found in "town" for the following services and items:

    • Forgotten Fragment of Caution
• Forgotten Fragment of Ingenuity
• Ballroom Etiquette – Pointed Misgivings
• Modern Aesthetics – WInd Caller
• Construct 14 Identification Key

As you can see, they are mostly used to collect various cosmetics, trinkets, mounts, and other neat things that you can spice up your FFXIV life with if you so choose.

Alternatively, you can also spend 5 Bozjan Clusters on priority deployment for Critical Engagements. This will make it easier to make sure you don't miss out on any Critical Engagements so you can level up your Resistance Rank faster.

That's all you need to know about how to get Bozjan Clusters in Final Fantasy XIV. For more on Final Fantasy XIV guides, news, and updates, check out here. Of course, you can also buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil from here while enjoying cheap, fast, safe, and high-quality service!


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