How Does Wild Rift Compare to the League of Legend?
League of Legends: Wild Rift isn't a direct port of League of Legends for the PC, but a game built from the ground up to re-imagine what League would look like if it was not on the PC. However, just how does Wild Rift compare to the League of Legends? Here are the major differences between the two. 1. Champion Changes 1). There are fewer champions in Wild Rift (61) than League of Legends (155 when Gwen is released). Riot has promised to add more champions, at a rate of about two per month, but it's possible that not every League champion will end up on the Wild Rift. 2). No champion in Wild Rift will have a passive ability, so abilities like Vayne's Silver Bolts and Vi's Denting Blows won't be in Wild Rift. 3). Some champions will have their existing abilities re-tooled to better work with the new controls. 2. Map is Smaller The Map in Wild Rift is a direct mockup of the map in League of Legends but it is smaller. Where in League of Legends you had about 10s to tr...